simple daily comfort

10 Days of Yoga & Meditation Practice

For only 15 minutes a day, alternate Gentle Yoga and Simple Guided Meditations to quiet your mind & feel great in your body

Calm & Cozy

Practice simple yoga stretches to release tension in your lower back, hips, neck and shoulders.

Enjoy body-positive guided meditations and let go of stress, anxiety & overwhelm.

Sleep better so you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.

10 Days of Practice:

One 10-15 minute video in your inbox, every day.

Gentle yoga for a pain-free body.

Easy meditations for a peaceful mind.

You retain lifetime access to all videos!

I absolutely loved being able to follow this practice lying down with my eyes closed and listening to the vocal cues. I loved the stretching as well as it was a great way to start my day before a day sitting at my computer”

    When you sign up, you'll get a free weekly yoga or meditation video delivered straight to your inbox. Change your mind? No problem! You can unsubscribe with just one click.